Viruses & PPE
COVID-19 and PPE Guidelines​
COVID-19 Overview​
COVID-19 is a viral illness that primarily affects the lungs and airways, caused by the coronavirus. The main symptoms include a high temperature, a new and continuous cough, and a loss or change in your sense of smell or taste.
To prevent the spread of COVID-19, it is crucial to avoid close contact with individuals outside your household and to wash your hands regularly. Mild symptoms of COVID-19 can usually be managed at home. However, if your symptoms become severe, you should seek medical attention immediately.
For more detailed information, please visit the NHS website: COVID-19 Overview.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Infection prevention and control measures include hand hygiene, the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and proper waste management. PPE is essential for protecting both healthcare workers and the general public from infection. Standard PPE typically includes gloves, masks, and gowns. In cases involving high-risk infections, additional protective measures such as face protection (goggles and face shields), full-body coveralls, head covers, and rubber boots may be required.
For further information on PPE, please refer to the World Health Organization: PPE Information.
6 Essential Rules for Lessons
Symptom Check: You must not attend a lesson if you exhibit any symptoms related to COVID-19, no matter how mild (e.g., sniffles, slight cough). If you attend a lesson without disclosing your symptoms, you may be charged the full lesson fee.
Hand Hygiene: Please wash your hands for at least 20 seconds before entering the vehicle.
Hand Sanitizer: Use hand sanitizer upon entering the car, even if you are wearing your own gloves.
PPE Requirement: You must wear protective gloves and a face mask during the lesson. Both can be provided if needed. If you do not bring your own PPE, a monthly PPE subscription is required at a cost of £10, covering 5 pairs of gloves and 5 masks per month (50p per item).
Temperature Check: You must consent to a temperature check before the lesson begins.
Exposure Notification: Inform us immediately and do not attend lessons if you have been in contact with anyone in self-isolation or showing symptoms of COVID-19.
In-Car Etiquette
No Handshakes: Please refrain from shaking hands.
Coughing: Cover your mouth with your arm if you need to cough, although we understand this may be challenging while driving.
Ventilation: Car windows will remain open fully or partially to ensure proper ventilation during the lesson.
Short Breaks: Short breaks may be taken during the lesson to minimize prolonged contact.
Post-Contact Sanitization: If physical contact occurs for any reason, use hand sanitizer as soon as possible afterward.
PPE Subscription Details
We strongly encourage students to bring their own PPE. If you do not have your own, a monthly PPE subscription is available for £10, covering 5 pairs of gloves and 5 masks. The charge for PPE is intended to cover costs, not for profit.
Car cleaning will be conducted before and after each lesson using antibacterial products. Instructors may choose not to wear a mask during lessons if it hinders clear communication, which is essential for effective teaching. However, instructors are advised to cancel lessons if students display symptoms or have had contact with someone exhibiting symptoms. If you have concerns about wearing PPE, please discuss them with your instructor before your lesson.
PPE Provided:
5 Disposable Masks
5 Pairs of Disposable Non-Powdered Gloves
Hand Sanitizer Usage
To purchase your Monthly PPE (available for new and existing students), please send a payment of £10 to the following bank account:
Account: 10348082
Sort Code: 20-25-25
Reference: [Your Name] & PPE
Please confirm your payment by sending a text message to 07507594824.